Some access points does not deliver DHCP to the raspberrypi. You could assign the IP statically as follows:
Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file
Comment out the following lines.
> #allow-hotplug wlan0 > #wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf > #iface eth0 inet manual
Add following configs.
auto lo iface eth0 inet dhcp auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x gateway x.x.x.x pre-up wpa_supplicant -Dwext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
Re-enable the interface.
ifdown wlan0 ifup wlan0
Configure the name server if required.
/etc/resolv.conf nameserver x.x.x.x
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