Changing RSA passwords


Reset SSH Password:
Log in to Operations console (Master):

Administration --> Networking --> Configure connectivity using SSH

Do the same procedure on Replica also (if any), it is manual process.

Reset Operations console password:
Login to the master appliance with SSH

$ sudo -s // sudo as root
# su - rsaadmin // change user to rsaadmin
$ cd /usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/ //navigate to RSA installation path
$ cd utils
$ ./rsautil manage-oc-administrator -a update // Execute

// Enter Super administrators name
// Enter Super administrators password
// Enter operation console user
// Set the new password

Do the same steps on replica
Error: This operation can be performed only on a primary instance.
But the password got changed

Reset Master password:
Login to the master appliance with SSH

$ sudo -s // sudo as root
# su - rsaadmin // change user to rsaadmin
$ cd /usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/ //navigate to RSA installation path
$ cd utils
$ ./rsautil manage-secrets --action change --new-password <enter_the_new_password>

Do the same procedure on the replica device.

Reset Security Console Password:
Login to Security Console

Identity-->Users-->Manage Existing // Search for your admin username in internal datase

Change password for the admin user
This action will be automatically replicated to replica.






13 responses to “Changing RSA passwords”

  1. Foo Avatar

    thank you, this helped me figure out why my OC password was not updating.

    1. Arun N S Avatar

      glad to hear that the article helped you 🙂

  2. mira Avatar

    Thanks Arun..Itw quite helpful and timley help is priceless..I recovered my OC password

    1. Arun N S Avatar

      Good to hear that 🙂

  3. Ryan Zahn Avatar
    Ryan Zahn

    Arun, I have tried this on the replica unit and it wont take the change.  Any idea where to go from here?

    1. Arun N S Avatar

      Hi Ryan,

       Did you manage to change any of those passwords changed? As far as I remember the operations console and master password has to be set separately for master and replica. The security console password will get replicated automatically.


      1. Ryan Zahn Avatar
        Ryan Zahn

        I’ve changed the security console and the operations console on the primary and have tried to do it on the secondary.  I got the error saying you need to do this on the primary instance but the password still would not change.  However, I just fixed the issue by promoting the replica to the primary instance and changing it once it was promoted.

        1. Arun N S Avatar

           Thanks for the update, for me it was straight away with replica. Might be to do something with the RSA version.

  4. RSA Admin Avatar
    RSA Admin

    I don’t agree with the above solution to update the Master Password on Replica. You just need to update the Master Password on RSA Primary Instance and not on the replica instance as the replica is read only. Once the Master Password is changed/updated on the Primary Instance it will be replicated.
    Note: If the RSA Replication is broken the chances are the password may not get updated.

    1. Arun N S Avatar

       Thanks for the comment, i guess it was not the case at least for shell password. I had to change it separately on primary and replica. Anyway will verify it next time.

  5. Kokspele Avatar

    How to reset security console password if you lost it?

  6. Josh Howell Avatar
    Josh Howell

    arun, would have a workaround lost oc and emcsrv password.

  7. Thomas Joseph Avatar
    Thomas Joseph

    Hi Arun,

    Could you please help us to reset password for RSA data protection manager( version 3.2) ,whenever we are trying to login its showing :Password expired , and we don’t have any other password, could you please help us to reset this password.

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