Category: PHP

  • Virus scanning for file uploads with clamav/php

    Download and install the following packages, in case your repository has those package just use the management tool to install. Ubuntu/Debian/Mint # apt-get install clamav clamav-db clamd clamav-devel php-devel Redhat # yum install php-devel # wget # wget # wget # wget # rpm -Uvh clam* # freshclam # service clamd…

  • Upgrading php to 5.2 or 5.3 in Redhat EL 5

    Unfortunately RHEL 5 does not have php.5.2 package, which is required by most of the applications including latest wordpress and drupal. First thought of compiling php from source, but hard to keep it uptodate. So decided to make the life easier with EPEL/IUS repositories. Remove all existing php related packages: # rpm -e php php-mysql…